Our Story

Take a Moment for Yourself!
As a working woman, I stopped one day - I was exhausted! I took a good look at others around me. Family, and friends they were also exhausted!  Covid brought with it long hours and for many the blurring of work time and rest time.  We run from the time we get up to the time we lay our heads down at night.
 I watched my mom like many women juggling so much, a full-time job, children, elderly parents, housework, and she deals with all the emotional work for the family. She gives little thought to herself and what she needed as so many women do.   
We need to stop, for a moment and breath – be calm, quiet - serene.  How can we do this is in such a frantic world?  
Moments to be Serene
We can’t stop, the world won’t allow it.  We need to work, to pay bills, raise our family and support our families. 
We can take moments for ourselves every day.  Moments of quiet, moments in which we can remember a time- slower time, a peaceful time.  Rejuvenate every day!
 I decided to develop a line of skin and bath products to allow all of us to take that moment every day.  Just a moment!  To find some serenity. I wanted my products to evoke memories of love, warmth, fun, a different time, a slower pace, tranquility.  How could I do this? 
Smell, Memories and Emotions
My mom has a degree in psychology, she mentioned that our sense of smell is intricately linked to memory and is highly emotive. Specifically smells which evoke specific memories and feelings.  My mom grew up in a bakery and the smell of freshly baked bread, takes her back to her childhood. A slower pace, a time of fun, love, warmth.  For me, a bowlful of freshly picked strawberries given to me from my grandma– sweet and fresh. My dad remembers sitting beside the lake in the early morning watching the sun rise with a steaming hot cup of coffee. The smell of coffee evokes peace, tranquility, and memories of that awe-inspiring view for him. 
The idea was hatched that my products would have those smells and flavours that would evoke these special memories and feelings, to allow everyone to slow down take even 5 minutes every day to be in a time and place that was slower, happier, more tranquil -serene.
My products are a treat for the senses, not only do the smells evoke warm, happy memories and positive feelings, but they are visually beautiful, and luxurious rich, making your skin feel silky smooth. 
Handmade, in small batches to keep the quality high. 
I hope my products bring you moments of serenity!
With love